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Our Specialist Programs

Our Japanese classes are taught in a traditional classroom. 


Our Music Program is run by experienced instructors in a well-equipped music room. 


Our Phys Ed lessons encourage students to maintain health and wellbeing in a variety of contexts.


With a new purpose built Science lab, our STEAM program is engaging and extensive. 


Our Arts program provides the necessary outlet for our students to be creative and reflective.  




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At Halidon Primary School, Japanese is taught to all students in Pre Primary to Year 6 for one 60-minute lesson per week in an authentic Japanese classroom. Students learn to use simple Japanese language during various social, informative and creative experiences. They learn to read and write in all three written scripts (hiragana, katakana and kanji) using both explicit and tactile methods. A range of cultural experiences, such as calligraphy, origami, cooking, music and crafts enhance lessons about Japanese festivals and everyday events. We have friendships with a school in Tokyo (ZOOM meetings) and another in Kyoto (pen pal letters). Our annual incursions and bi-annual Culture Days are also highlights of the Japanese program.



Classroom Music

Classroom music at Halidon is based on the WA Curriculum Framework and guided by the music specific pedagogies of Kodaly and Orff.

Students from Pre Primary to Year 6 attend weekly music lessons with a specialist music teacher in a well-resourced music room. Halidon is fortunate to have a wide variety of quality musical instruments. Students learn about the elements of music (rhythm, pitch, dynamics, expression, timbre, texture and form) by engaging in a variety of musical experiences such as singing, listening, moving, playing instruments and creating. Technology is incorporated into the learning process with the use of iPads.


Instrumental Tuition

The specialised study of instrumental music further enhances student learning in music at Halidon.

The scholarship program offered through the Instrumental Music School Services is aimed at those students who show keen interest and aptitude in music, and who are prepared to make an ongoing commitment to musical activity. Selected year five and six students are offered tuition in clarinet, brass or classical guitar. Small group lessons are provided weekly by qualified music teachers employed through the Department of Education and Training. Students have the opportunity to attend instrumental workshops, perform at special assemblies and join a training band at a local high school.

To see more information visit the website

Phys Ed


In Health and Physical Education, students learn how to enhance their own and others' health, safety, wellbeing and physical activity participation in varied and changing contexts. At Halidon students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to make decisions and take action to strengthen their sense of personal identity and autonomy, build resilience, manage risk and develop satisfying, respectful relationships.

The Physical Education curriculum focuses on the explicit development of movement skills and concepts required for students to participate in a range of physical activities with competence and confidence. This supports ongoing participation across the lifespan, and positive health outcomes. Our students are given numerous opportunities throughout the week to continuously develop in a fun and interactive way. Our sporting sessions include 15 minutes of fitness during the day (at point of need), an hour sport session with the physical education specialist, and an hour of senior or junior sport. We also pride ourselves on having activities and games for students to be actively involved in at recess and lunch. 


In-term swimming

We coordinate a 9 lesson swimming program for all students, regardless of their swimming experience and ability at our local accredited swimming centre, Craigie Leisure Centre. All students from Pre-Primary through to Year 6 receive guidance from trained staff in developing their swimming competency.


Faction and Interschool Athletics

These whole day events are held towards the end of Term 3 and serve as a great day for all students in the school. Faction Sports Day is held on our school oval and is an event strongly supported by the school community and our active Parents and Citizens Association. Faction Sports Day allows all students to participate in many track, field and team tabloid events such as long jump, distance throwing, flat and relay races, leader ball, tunnel ball and flag races. Students earn Faction points for their effort, attitude and participation with the top four finishers in each event  representing our school at the Kingsley District Sports Association interschool competition.


Interschool Sports

Throughout Term 2, our students in Years 4, 5 and 6 elect to represent our school in either Net Ball, Soccer or AFL Football. The students train under the guidance of our specialist Physical Education teacher as well as classroom teachers during sports sessions. These teachers then assume a coaching role, along with parent volunteers as we compete against West Greenwood, Marangaroo, Dalmain, Hawker Park and Goollelal Primary Schools in home and away fixtures. A key focus for Halidon students as well as our competing schools is that of participation and sportsmanship as well as skill development and a positive team ethos. All schools compete in a shortened game format for the Lightning Carnival where all schools play each other over the course of the day.



Engaging in STEM education allows students to explore and use their problem solving and inquiry skills to solve real world problems using their knowledge and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM education offers students a platform to learn how to collaborate, communicate, think creatively and critically, and use their imagination in a safe place. STEM offers students an integrated approach to learning and has increased their engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Our dedicated ‘Makerspace’ classroom provides an area for our whole school to explore and engage in the learning through STEM.




 The WA Curriculum identifies three Cross Curriculum Priorities (CCPs):


• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultures and Histories

• Australia’s Engagement with Asia

• Sustainability


At Halidon, these priorities are embedded across a wide range of learning areas, from Science, Technologies, Engineering, The Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) to English, History, Geography, Languages, Health and Physical Education. Through STEAM our students engage creatively in real world problems, applying their understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, The Arts and Mathematics in integrated and innovative ways. This helps develop our students’ 21st Century skills of problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking and digital literacy.  Each class adopts a STEM Learning Project, which links to the UN Sustainability Goals, ensuring Halidon students become Global Citizens. The students work is showcased to the school community during our annual STEAM Trail, in Term 3.


To help facilitate this learning, we have two new learning areas; the science room and the collaboration room. These spaces are designed to suit every learning style, incorporating colourful, flexible learning furniture that creates an innovative, creative space for our students.





At Halidon Primary School, a Science Specialist teaches Science to all students from Years PP to 6.  Lessons follow the 5E Teaching and Learning Model of Inquiry which  promotes collaborative, active learning where students work together to problem solve and investigate new concepts by asking questions, observing, analysing and drawing conclusions. Each term a different kind of science is focused on; Biological, Chemical, Earth and Space or Physical. Science inquiry skills are continually developed through the completion of hands-on activities and investigations. Our new science lab and separate flexible learning space helps to facilitate this inquiry-based approach. However, the learning is not restricted to the science classroom and is often taken outside or integrated into other subject areas to ensure meaningful, engaging learning experiences are provided to our students.

In Term 3, Science Week is celebrated by the whole school.  Past activities have been linked to the Science Week theme and included Scitech incursions, extra in-class science activities and our STEAM trail.

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The Arts program offers students an opportunity to demonstrate expressive, creative and communicative forms that engage students in critical and creative thinking and help them understand themselves and the world. The Arts at Halidon Primary School encompasses Visual Arts and Music with both areas run by Specialist teachers.


We have a Visual Arts facility where children participate in a wide variety of experiences, using a multitude of materials. Each Level will learn about – Painting, Drawing, Printing, Textiles, Modelling, Construction, Collage and Art appreciation. The Visual Arts curriculum focuses on Creating and Making and Exploring and Responding. We take great pride in our Visual Arts program and seek to showcase children’s’ work throughout the school and wider community. As such there are many areas around the school where our student’s high quality work is on display

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